Member-only story
New Year, New Mailbag
As has become an annual tradition, I recently ran a survey with my newsletter subscribers. Were their questions awesome? Absolutely—and you can have that answer for free.
…Oh yeah, and the rest are free, too. Here they are!
1. What is the genre of your writing?
It’s funny you should ask that, because I myself am not quite sure. So far, I’ve written sci-fi, mystery, epic fantasy, and creative nonfiction in the forms of novels, novellas, short stories, poetry, and essays. Is hodgepodge a genre?
No matter what I’m writing, I strive to unify my work with humor. I’ll continue to do so with my future endeavors (one of which may or may not be a poetry collection).
2. Is Nairn Lockwood going to get her own book?
Whoever submitted this question is a real one.
For context, Nairn Lockwood is the co-hero of my novella “The Megrim,” appearing in the short fiction collection Monsters at Dusk. She’s brave, brash, and greedy, though she’s got more heart than she lets on. Plus, she’s as big a fan of leftovers as I am, which is really saying something.
So, as this intelligent and thoughtful person wondered, will Lockwood get her own book? The short answer is this: It’s already in the works.